Monday, July 29, 2013

Judgmentality, and mirror poem

No one wants to answer the question: 
Am I judgmental?

Well, am I?

I can't speak for anyone but myself: I must be judgmental. 

Make no mistake! I don't want-to-be judgmental, but I am. I try to treat everyone just the same, love my neighbor as I would love my own, and shit like that. "I don't judge," I hear people say (myself included). Don't get me wrong now; I try my darnedest not-to-be offensive.

God, even the word offensive is offensive!
(The fact that I chose not to edit that
could be considered offensive.)


Is everyone judgmental, then?

Again, I can't speak for anybody else. In fact, best to take it a step further: I don't care if anyone else wants to judge me. (I've heard people say that too.) Do I care though? I mean, I want to be nice, at least. I wouldn't want to anyone to get hurt. I wouldn’t want to make waves... etc. Bo-ring!

"so what then, are you saying I'm judgmental"

You be you. I be me.

(Thank you, guts.)

~     ~     ~

mirror chant

I see myself
Not, not myself -

Looking-glass spot.

Then I thought up
How to see myself

See myself
      ~     ~     ~

Judgmentality, Thoughts of;
When no man nodded to me
It created an unclean heart
And I meant no dis
Honorable mention

Given unto you
The gift of your nod
Thy revels they’re
Cling there to you


What is meant
By fearing this
Believing that
When the rest is but
Honorable Mention

      ~     ~     ~

Had to pull a Real Estate sign
 out of the ground
 at my construction job.

Tim snapped this picture.

Draw your own conclusions.


Unknown said...

I love your mirror poem. Reposted at

Unknown said...

I love your mirror poem. Reposted at